Tikam Shah

What is Regular Expression In php ?

Regular expression engine is the software that process the task for regular expression i.e match the given pattern of the string with in the string . Usually the engine is the large pert of the application. Generally the user doesn’t have the access to the engine directly. Rather , The application will invoke the engine when ever needed ,than make sure that right regular expression is applied to the right file .

Common use of the Regular Expression :

 The common use of regular expression is the data validation . For Example , regular expression can be used to check the email address entered in to the form that contains the @ symbol and period (.) which are definitely part of the email address, without which the email address is not the email address at all.

Uses : 

  • Data entry form Validation .
  • Verifying the input format , for example , format of email address.
  • Parsing the data from pre-defined variables.
  • Searching for and replacing the file data or database (when required) .
  • if PHP code spec is being used to create user-defined functions to validate or manipulate portion of a string , than the user defined functions could be scrapped and regular expressions used instead.
  • If the written function are being used : To make sure form data contains the valid information such as @ and (.) dot in the email address. –OR– To Loop through each character in string and replace it, if it matches a certain criteria , such as if if it’s upper case or if it is space .
Types of Regular Expressions 

PHP supports the two flavours of regular expressions .

1. Perl compact-able Regular Expressions (PERC) :
      It is generally considered as bit faster , performance wise , than POSIX .

Example :

function emailValidate($email)
  $emailSymbol = strpos($email , “@”);
$emailDots = strpos($email , “.”);

if( $emailSymbol &&  $emailDots ) 
  return true ;
  return false ;


echo emailValidate(php@evernews.online);

2. POSIX Extended Regular Expressions :
    POSIX is easier to grasp . the basic concept are same for the both types

Example :

function emailValidate($email)
 return ereg(“^[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z]+.[a-zA-Z]+$ ” , $email);

echo emailValidate(php@evernews.online);

Note : The first function looks easy and well structured , but it would be easier to to validate email address using one-line i.e is second example ,In the second example above uses the regular expression and contain one call ereg function.
The ereg function always return true or false , weather the string parameter matched in the regular expression or not .

Regular Expression functions in PHP

Symbols used in Regular Expressions